This is a blog dedicated to the display and discussion of photography by Joel & Stacy Ham. Any creativity displayed here comes directly from and is solely attributed to our Father God, who is the Master Creator.
Back in May we were able to take a trip back to Joel's parents. While we were there we were able to meet the sweet little children his brother and sister-in-law adopted from Ethiopia. Their little boy is one and their little girl is four. They are so adorable and very happy kids. They all went out one afternoon to play in grandma's pool, which all the little ones loved! These are some pictures from that day.
In honor of the up-coming Minnesota State Fair, I thought I would post a couple of pictures Joel took from last year's fair. We will be unable to attend this year, which we are very sad about. Joel and I have some very fond memories of this great event!
What are your favorite things about the Minnesota State Fair? To see what some of our favorite things are, check out our Facebook page!
PS. Of course, the Minnesota State Fair is THE best state fair in the country, but those who have not had the privilege to go can still chime in on your favorite things at your fair! :)
These four photographs are very similar. The only big difference is the editing. I (Stacy) am the one to do most of the editing to photographs. In the process, Joel and I have different opinions on what we think looks good. I would like to get your vote on which of these you like the best. I promise, you will not start any major fights in our home by stating your opinion! :)